The Secret to getting everything you want in life (The Stick Person Explained)

Are you getting what you don’t want in your life? Are you attracting people who don’t treat you well? Are you attracting men or women who don’t commit or who cheat on you? Are you getting the amount of money that you’re happy with? Do you feel tired and feel like you always lack energy?

When we don’t get what we want in our life, we tend to either blame other people or other things. For example, my boss doesn’t know my worth. There are only toxic men and women out there. It’s because of our society. It’s because of social media.

Or we conclude that we are unworthy. We are not good enough. We are a mistake. We’re a failure.

But the reason why we get what we don’t want in our life is not because of other people or other things or not even because of who we are. I’m going to share how our results are created and how we can start getting what we truly want by only focusing on what we can control. Understanding what I’m going to share today is really going to change your life.

So the whole idea or what I want to share with you today is The Stick Person. It looks kind of silly and simple. And if you don’t know what’s in what’s really going on here, don’t worry, because this is something that I’m going to explain in this article.

Before I dive in. Let me ask you a question. What does your mind look like?

Some people think of our brain but our brain it’s not our mind. Because we don’t know what our mind looks like we don’t really understand what it is and how it works. And that’s why this stick person is created so that we can understand our mind and our body more easily.

Understanding your mind

So this head is our mind and it’s split into two. The top one is the conscious mind and the bottom one is the subconscious mind. I’m going to start with the conscious mind. It’s also called the thinking mind. In our conscious mind, we can build any idea or thought that we want and our conscious mind can decide to accept or reject any idea.

Let’s say you made a mistake at work and you create a thought that “I’m a failure” and your conscious mind can accept that idea or it can reject that idea and accept a new idea that “I made a mistake so that I know what I shouldn’t do now and I am moving forward. I’m creating success.”

And when you accept any thoughts it is impressed upon your subconscious mind.

And this bottom half is called the subconscious mind. Also, it’s called the conditioned mind. When an idea or thought is impressed upon the subconscious mind, what the subconscious mind can do is only accept any idea or thought that was impressed.

And when you do that over and over again, it gets fixed. So it becomes your belief and it becomes your identity. As you impress that idea that “I’m a failure” over and over again to your subconscious mind, It gets fixed in there and it becomes your belief. And then it is expressed in your feelings and you start feeling that you are a failure. You’re not good enough you feel powerless, and that creates actions.

If you don’t really understand how feelings create actions, think about when you’re having an amazing day. You’re feeling amazing. You’re having a good day and your actions are probably positive as well. You’re probably more productive than usual. You’re motivated, you take inspired actions.

And when you’re not having a good day maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, your face is swollen when you woke up or you missed a train to go to work and you say to yourself, “Today’s about day, I can’t do anything right and I am a failure.”

That creates negative feelings in you and you’re probably not as productive as usual. You’re probably not as kind or nice to other people as usual. That’s how your feelings positive or negative create actions and your actions create results.

How you can use The Stick Person to improve your life

So the question is how can we use the stick person to start getting the result that we truly want in life? We talked about the result that we get starts from the thoughts that we have. But we have about 60,000 thoughts per day. So we obviously do not have time to look at every thought that we have every single day. So what can we do? You can look at the results that you’re not happy with. Maybe a relationship, business, finance, or friendship. Be honest with the result that you’re getting. Maybe you’re not happy with your current relationship. Maybe you’re not happy with the money, or maybe you’re not happy with the friendships that you have.

Choose the area of your life that you want to improve. And then look at the beliefs that you have about that area and about yourself. Let’s say you keep attracting men and women who don’t want to commit and you’re not happy with that. Then ask yourself what you believe about relationships. What do you believe about yourself?

Maybe you believe that you are not worthy of love., you are good enough, or you believe that you don’t deserve a good man or woman. You might believe that a love relationship cannot be healthy or loving. You learned that you need to fight a lot. Maybe you saw that your parents fought a lot and that’s how you learned then they don’t align with what you want. So you need to create a new image and beliefs about relationships and about yourself. Your new ideas and new images like I am loving, I’m worthy of love, I’m good enough and I attract good people into my life.

And as you keep accepting these thoughts that aligned with what you truly want, then you can make them fixed in your subconscious mind and that creates your feelings and actions then that creates the results that you truly want.

I used to attract men who don’t want to commit and one of them cheated on me and I was really sad. I thought that there were only toxic men out there and I thought that I wasn’t good enough. I wasn’t attractive enough. I wasn’t funny or interesting enough. And I was feeling really bad about myself. I learned The Stick Person and I look at my beliefs about myself. I started affirming to myself that I am good enough. I’m worthy of love. I attract amazing people into my life. That created a new belief and a new image in my subconscious mind. And I started attracting amazing people into my life.

If you saw The Stick Person for the first time, and if you don’t fully understand what it is and how you can use it, go through this article over and over again if necessary, until you fully understand it. You can start applying this to one area of your life. It can be finance, relationship, friendship, or anything that you want.

As you understand how you can apply this idea to your life, you can stop blaming yourself, and you can stop relying on other people, and other things to change your life. You just need to focus on what you are in control of which is your thoughts. And that’s how you can change your life which is really powerful.

But sometimes it’s hard to see what kind of belief you have and what kind of thoughts and ideas you have objectively. And meditation and journaling can help but sometimes it’s deeply planted that you can’t really see it. And that was the case for me and what helped me was coaching.

If you’re struggling with being more conscious and aware of what kinds of things you believe and what kind of thoughts you have, and if you’re ready to start changing your life, you can apply for a 1-on-1 coaching session with me from the link here.

I hope my tips are helpful to you. If you have any questions you can write them down in the comments 🙂

Thank you so much for reading this blog! I am so grateful and inspired by your commitment to your personal development and self-love.

One massive self-loving action you take is to set a goal and achieve it for yourself.

If you want to learn about how to set a goal and achieve it. I’m giving away a free PDF workbook that guides you step by step on how you can set a goal that excites you and how to achieve the goal to get everything you want in your life. You can download it from here. If you really want to change your life. If you really want to change your results then you need to start taking action. So download the free PDF workbook now and unstuck yourself and start moving forward.

“You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution. Change is inevitable, personal growth is always a personal decision.”

Why do I care so much about self-love and personal development?

Because I can see a more loving and peaceful world if more people give love to themselves and experience growth so that they can find the time to take care of themselves and their loved ones!

👇 Download the free PDF workbook for goal setting and goal achieving!

Originally published at on November 20, 2022.



Yoshie Agata | Confidence & Self-love Coach

I help the 20-30s women to find strengths and love within themselves so that they can be their higher self with unshakable confidence.