Thank you, Bob Proctor — how he changed my life

Today, I want to share my story about how the man I respect the most became my mentor.

I’m so grateful for his teachings and him and his name is Bob Proctor. He recently passed away and I was honestly really sad about it, but I’m still learning from him and he’s still teaching me so much about life. I want to share how his teachings have been helping me and finding the answers to the questions I had since I was a kid.

About 5 years ago, I was in a relationship with somebody and after he broke up with me, I was really sad and depressed.

After crying and doing my best to socialise and pick myself up, I somehow understood that I have to love myself first, to give love to other people because I hated myself and I couldn’t believe that anyone actually ever wants to be in a relationship with me.

My belief wasn’t matching what was happening to me (which is someone actually wanted to be in a relationship with me). Even though he broke up with me, I knew that I was pushing him away myself.

So I started reading books about self-love and did some challenges to gain self-love. And then I started reading other books related to personal development. And that’s how I got into the personal development world.

I started meditating I started doing exercise every day, I started getting to know myself and I started really liking myself. I loved reading old books such as How to win friends and influence people, and How to stop roaring and stuff living by Dale Carnegie. And I found the book called Thinking Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. I remember when I was living in Ireland, probably for six months or so. I was listening to you Think Grow Rich every single day. When I go to the supermarket when I go for a walk and when I am on a train, every single day I was listening to that. But I didn’t feel like anything was changing.

And none of my friends I had there was talking about Think And Grow Rich, personal development, financial freedom or anything like that. So I don’t know why I got into it, but I was so curious and that made me wanna study more.

And then I think I found Bob on YouTube, because he talks a lot about Think And Grow Rich and that book was like his Bible, then I started watching his YouTube videos. Around that time, I was listening to Bob and also Tony Robbins and I started listening to Jay Shetty and all other personal development gurus and I was honestly just listening to them. I wasn’t really taking action on their teachings.

I would say I was just addicted to studying because these motivational speeches make me feel good. And it gives me hope that I can improve my life. But I wasn’t taking action. So nothing was really changing in my life.

In May of 2021, I joined a free 5-day webinar that Bob was doing and that was about financial freedom. Around that time I was in a job that I didn’t really like and I realised that if I had enough money or if I had financial freedom, I can quit my job immediately.

And my biggest problem was my finance I realised that I really have to work on my mindset about money. So I decided to join Bob Proctor coaching programme, which was really expensive for me back then. But I decided to join because I really want to change my life.

Since May 2021 I’ve been studying with Bob almost every single day at least one hour a day. The programme is for one year so I am almost 10 months in and I love it so much and I’m learning so much every single day.

My dream was to meet Bob in person in the future and I want to shake his hands and hug him and tell him “thank you so much for your teaching and I’m really grateful for you”.

But then 3rd of February in 2022 He passed away. I was really sad. And I was feeling down that I couldn’t achieve my dream. But since then a lot of things have shifted.

One of them is that I feel closer to Bob. He often talks about your spirit is omnipresent. And I feel exactly that. I feel like he’s still with us. And I feel like he’s still teaching me so much.

Another thing that happened to me is that I study every day from Bob’s teaching as I used to. But I can think of all the experiments that I had that are related to Bob’s teachings much more easily. My awareness got expanded and my understanding got deeper. I can resonate with his teachings so much and I know better how I can implement his teachings in my life.

He answered all the questions that I had since I was a kid, which was “Why do people do what they do?”, “Why some people who had really good grades in school are poor and others who didn’t have good grades in school are really rich?”

I also want it to understand why I was attracting toxic people and toxic relationships into my life. I had all these questions in my life. But I wasn’t able to ask anyone.

Bob has taught me and answered all the questions that I had. Thanks to his teachings, I also understand better about who I am. And I know what kind of life I want to create for myself.

So it took me around five or six years until I joined Bob Proctor coaching programme. And I’m still studying and I’m still improving. I’m pretty sure that I will be a student of him until the day I die or even further.

As you study and as you work on your goal, your awareness can be expanded little by little and we don’t know how much time it takes until you achieve your goal. But getting better by 1% everyday matters. And I think that’s the most important thing. We oftentimes get overwhelmed and feel stuck and lost when we feel like we have to do everything at once. So trust the process and do the most important tasks that you can do today. As you do that, life, God or universe or whatever you want to call it will show you the way.

I’m so grateful for the people I met through Bob Proctor coaching and I’m so grateful for the people who work for Procter Gallagher Institute and made the amazing programme and have been helping so many people around the world.

“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you are.” — Bob Proctor

I hope you are taking care of yourself and taking care of each other☺️

Thank you for reading my blog until the end. Sending you so much love! ❤️

Hi, I am Yoshie and I am a life coach. If you wanna find peace within yourself, feel free to contact me. I am offering a free 60-minute session.

Also, follow me on Instagram @yoshie.agata



Yoshie Agata | Confidence & Self-love Coach

I help the 20-30s women to find strengths and love within themselves so that they can be their higher self with unshakable confidence.