How to regain motivation 💪

Do you feel like you’ve lost your motivation?

I was convinced that this pandemic situation will not affect my motivation but honestly, I was feeling lost and didn’t feel like doing anything last month.

I executed these tips below and I am back on track so I will share what helped me to regain my motivation.


Firstly let’s figure out why you lost motivation. The causes of losing motivation are fatigue, burnout, overwhelm, and stress.

When people are feeling tired, they tend to turn to addictions such as drinking too much, eating unhealthy food, taking drugs. These activities hurt the molecules that activate motivation.

This was my cycle:

I stopped meditating, journaling, and doing exercise. I knew I should’ve done all of these but I didn’t feel like doing and I couldn’t even wake up in time to do these in the morning.

So I decided to put self-care a priority and started with getting up on time using Mel Robbin’s The 5 second rule.

When my alarm goes off, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I get up.

Also, I made a list of todos in the morning.

Ticking todo lists produces molecules that activate motivation so I strongly recommend doing this! If you struggle with sticking with your habits, reading the book, Atomic Habits will help you with that! 🤗

In addition to this, I take supplements daily, spend time cooking nourishing and healthy meals, sleep 7 hours a day, and make sure to reach out to my friends and family often to have a good relationship with them.

My self-care checklist:

✔︎ Meditation

✔︎ Exercise

✔︎ Diet

✔︎ Sleep

✔︎ Relationship

✔︎ X-factor: supplement

What is your checklist like? ☀️

Listen to motivating voices

You cannot avoid what you listen to affects your feeling, actions, and motivations because it happens subconsciously

If your friend or partner constantly complains, immediately stop exposure to that or let them know of its effect.

You cannot just say shut up so use ‘we’ language.

For example, “we’ve been really talking about the problems and complaints about that. Let’s talk about what we are appreciative of. Fire off five things you are grateful for. Just help me change my mindset.”

I also listen to podcasts and Youtube a lot because a motivating positive voice will help rewire the brain and will take over the internal voices of strife and worry and implant positivity and a better mindset.

I listen to Brendon Burchard, Jay Shetty, Wayne Dyer, Lewis Howes, Sadhguru, and TED talk. It is really amazing to watch my state and feeling changes when I listen to them especially when I am feeling down.

Visualise what you desire and take actions

If you don’t have any goals, ask yourself, what do I want in my life? who do I want to become?

Once you have your goals set up,

look at them every day

Feel them

Visualise them

Talk through them

Think about them

Because if you lose touch with your idealistic future, you’ll lose motivation.

This was something I was missing for almost a year.

I always had goals such as being fluent in Spanish, being a full stack developer, read 50 books a year. I even have a vision board written on those goals. But what I was not doing was:

I didn’t have a plan with clarity, where and when I take action on these goals

and I was not visualising how I am going to feel and who I am going to be when I achieve them.

I started doing self-care and working hard (survival stuff) but I was still not motivated because I was not doing anything to help me thrive, not just survive.

Now I ask myself every morning, what are the 3 things that I absolutely will do today that are not just household or health tasks?

They can be just sending an email or writing one sentence for my article but if you create the momentum, that sparks motivation.

I hope this article helps you to regain your motivation!

resources: How to REGAIN Lost Motivation by Brendon Burchard



Yoshie Agata | Confidence & Self-love Coach

I help the 20-30s women to find strengths and love within themselves so that they can be their higher self with unshakable confidence.